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Kinesiology Tape
(K- tape)

A special tape that gently promotes the flow of blood and lymphatic fluid to cleanse & heal inflammation from injury or impairment.

Kinesiology tape aids muscle movement.  It is a thin, flexible tape that helps relieve pain, reduce swelling and inflammation, and provide support for joints and muscles without limiting movement.

K-tape tape is stretchy and designed to mimic the skin’s elasticity.  It is made of cotton and nylon, and created to help to use your full range of motion.  It is water resistant, latex-free and made to be worn for 3 - 7 days!

of K-Tape

  • Increase mobility

  • Enhance recovery

  • Reduce swelling

  • Relieves muscle spasm

  • Decrease pain

  • Improves mobility & range of motion

  • Improve circulation

  • Support muscles

  • Prevent further injury

  • Allows movement

  • Reduce inflammation

When the tape is applied to affected area of your body, it gently lifts your skin, creating a microscopic space between your skin and the tissues underneath.  This space increases blood flow and helps generate healing. When the tape is applied to affected area of your body, it gently lifts your skin, creating a microscopic space between your skin and the tissues underneath.  This space increases blood flow and helps generate healing.

The theory of k-tape revolves around proprioception.  Your tissues contain sensory receptors that feel pain, touch, and temperature.  These receptors provide proprioception: the sense that lets us perceive the location, movement, and action of parts of the body, essentially, your brain’s sense of where your body is and what it’s doing.  This process, the tape lifting the skin, the decompressing of tissue with the space, changes the signal to your brain.  Upon receiving a different signal, the body responds differently.  Kinesiology taping can also improve lymph circulation which regulates swelling and fluid buildup in the body.

K- tape also add extra support to muscles and/or joints.  Since k-tape allows you to move normally, it doesn’t restrict movement and has been said to improve performance.

Lastly, k-tape helps re-train muscles.  You can tape for pain and swelling but you can also tape for posture!  Often it is used to remind a muscle of it’s function or to ‘wake it up’ by just the sensation on your skin.

K- tape Pricing

Authentic       |       Holistic



Taping a specific area or appendage.  No charge for taping when purchasing k-tape.

Session generally lasts 5- 10 minutes.= $5.00



Cupping in an acute spot for purpose of decreasing pain and improving range of motion.

Can be combined with massage.

Standard roll of tape = $25.00

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