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Massage is a perfect partner

for good health, providing an

integration of body and mind, a valuable tool for our often busy, stressful lives.

Besides, it just feels good!


Massage is the manipulation of the muscles and joints of the body and tissue by rubbing and kneading with the hand for therapeutic or relaxation purposes to relieve tension or pain.


As a therapeutic massage therapist Erika believes massage is more than just relaxation and pampering, it is a healing instrument.  Frequent therapy helps to alleviate stress, detoxify your body, increase energy, and improve muscle tone.

Self-care becomes more important to our health with each passing year. It is estimated that upwards of 90% of all disease is stress-related. Massage counteracts that by helping teach our bodies to relax by decreasing anxiety through relaxation, lowering blood pressure, and increasing circulation, thereby promoting better sleep habits and increasing concentration. Like exercise, massage reduces fatigue and restores your energy to handle the day's stressful situations.

Massage Modalities & Pricing

Authentic          |          Holistic

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